Friday, 7 June 2013

HBO:The Weight of a Nation

One of my favorite Mommy Blogs is written by three moms on a mission to feed their kids as healthfully as possible. They adhere to a plant based diet, something that I strive to do with my own children, so I find their blog useful in garnering new ideas on how to make healthy food as appealing to my kiddos as a cheeseburger. Whole Foods Mommies posted a few days back about a documentary that HBO has produced called HBO:The Weight of a Nation. It's fabulous! I have watched a few episodes so far and highly recommend taking the time to do so. Episode three addresses obesity and children, which is what I started with, and recommend all mothers watch. It gets you thinking about what you're exposing your children to in a whole new way - and might just inspire you to try a little harder to push that apple as a snack instead of some of the alternatives that commercials suggest. Take a look - let me know what you think!

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