Wednesday, 15 June 2011


Have you ever tried pylometrics? When I was in high school, I did 'jump training' to increase my vertical for volleyball and basketball. It was a series of moves, that increased in sets and reps over the course of fifteen weeks. Each move focused on jumping, either out or up, or in bounding leaps. It was rough! Little did I know that I had tapped into a source of muscle blasting that I'd be calling on later in life.
My little sister Marin came into town, as we have a habit of pushing each other as we're both highly competitive hard. When we're together we fit in at least one workout, and we really set the bar high today! Together we designed a circuit that incorporates pylometric, strength, and cardio building moves. If you want to sweat - and I mean drip sweat while you're trying not to heave your Wheaties - then give this one a whirl!

40 second timer for each move, 3 sets:

Burpee Box Jumps
Bicycle Crunch
Alternating Leg Lunges
Push Up
Side Bench Jump
Sit Up Ball Toss (partner move)
Crab Toe Touch
Jump Squats
Side Plank

As a cool down we ran for another 5 minutes straight, then did a one minute wall sit (reminiscent of our basketball days - oh the memories!), various yoga moves, then stretched it out! All in all, it was 45 minutes used VERY wisely.

What did you do to strengthen yourself today? Do you have a goal you're working towards? Are you working on the Sweat Challenge with me?

I just found this picture of Eli's first bath - I know it has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with today's workout post, but I HAD to share it. Look how tiny he was!!! And now, at almost 16lbs, I really would be stretching the truth to say my little four month old baby is tiny. Way to grow baby!

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